Oko Azgarotha8262Oko Azgarothadescription: Czesc amuletu, ktora pozwala przenikac wszelkie iluzje i widziec prawdziwa nature rzeczy. Ta moc pochodzi od demona Azgarotha, ktory widzi wszystko, nawet to, co ukryte.
weight: 3920
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
Lza Seraphtora8263Lza Seraphtoradescription: Fragment amuletu, symbolizujacy utracone swiatlo i czystosc. Nosi w sobie smutek upadlego serafina Seraphtora, ale rowniez nadzieje na odkupienie.
weight: 4130
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
Mrok Morgara8264Mrok Morgaradescription: Fragment amuletu, ktory pochlania swiatlo i ukrywa nosiciela w cieniu, czyniac go niewidzialnym dla wrogow. Moc cieni plynie od demona Morgara, wladcy ciemnosci.
weight: 4430
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
Rdzen Valkorath8265Rdzen Valkorathdescription: Czesc amuletu pulsujaca nieskonczona energia chaosu. Nosiciel tej czesci ma moc siania nieporzadku i destrukcji, podobnie jak demon Valkorath, wladca chaosu.
weight: 2142
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
knife2403knifeweight: 420
defense: 5
attack: 7
weaponType: sword
dagger2379daggerweight: 950
defense: 6
attack: 8
weaponType: sword
silver dagger2402silver daggerweight: 1019
defense: 7
attack: 8
weaponType: sword
combat knife2404combat knifeweight: 869
defense: 6
attack: 8
weaponType: sword
rapier2384rapierweight: 1500
defense: 8
attack: 10
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
short sword2406short swordweight: 3500
defense: 11
attack: 11
weaponType: sword
sabre2385sabreweight: 500
defense: 10
attack: 12
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
machete2420machetedescription: Szansa na usuniecie krzaka 6/9.
weight: 1650
defense: 9
attack: 12
weaponType: sword
ron the ripper's sabre6101ron the ripper's sabreweight: 500
defense: 10
attack: 12
weaponType: sword
sword2376swordweight: 3500
defense: 12
attack: 14
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
bone sword2450bone swordweight: 1900
defense: 10
attack: 14
weaponType: sword
carlin sword2395carlin swordweight: 500
defense: 13
attack: 15
weaponType: sword
katana2412katanaweight: 3100
defense: 12
attack: 16
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
heavy machete2442heavy machetedescription: Szansa na usuniecie krzaka 3/6.
weight: 1650
defense: 12
attack: 16
weaponType: sword
longsword2397longswordweight: 4200
defense: 14
attack: 17
weaponType: sword
Tasker2411Taskerweight: 880
defense: 8
attack: 18
weaponType: sword
scimitar2419scimitarweight: 2900
defense: 13
attack: 19
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
templar scytheblade3963templar scythebladeweight: 4500
defense: 15
attack: 23
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
spike sword2383spike swordweight: 500
defense: 21
attack: 24
weaponType: sword
extradef: 2
serpent sword2409serpent swordweight: 4100
defense: 15
attack: 26
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
broadsword2413broadswordweight: 5250
defense: 23
attack: 26
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
crimson sword7385crimson swordweight: 3600
defense: 20
attack: 28
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
spike sword7744spike swordweight: 500
attack: 29
defense: 26
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
spike sword7763spike swordweight: 500
attack: 29
defense: 26
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 10

Ulepszenie do +1
spike sword7854spike swordweight: 500
attack: 29
defense: 26
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
spike sword7869spike swordweight: 500
attack: 29
defense: 26
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
two handed sword2377two handed swordweight: 7000
defense: 25
attack: 30
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
wyvern fang7408wyvern fangweight: 2000
defense: 19
attack: 32
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
relic sword7745relic swordweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
relic sword7764relic swordweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
mystic blade7765mystic bladeweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
relic sword7855relic swordweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
mystic blade7856mystic bladeweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
relic sword7870relic swordweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
mystic blade7871mystic bladeweight: 500
attack: 32
defense: 28
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
fire sword2392fire sworddescription: The blade is a magic flame.
weight: 2300
defense: 20
attack: 35
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
crystal sword7449crystal swordweight: 6900
defense: 26
attack: 35
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
bright sword2407bright sworddescription: The blade shimmers in light blue.
weight: 2900
defense: 30
attack: 36
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1
epee2438epeeweight: 1500
defense: 23
attack: 37
weaponType: sword
djinn blade2451djinn bladeweight: 2450
defense: 22
attack: 38
weaponType: sword
extradef: 2
ice rapier2396ice rapierdescription: A deadly but fragile weapon.
weight: 1500
attack: 40
defense: 1
weaponType: sword
charges: 1
assassin dagger7404assassin daggerweight: 1700
defense: 12
attack: 40
weaponType: sword
extradef: -2
blacksteel sword7406blacksteel swordweight: 5900
defense: 22
attack: 42
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
mercenary word7386mercenary wordweight: 6800
defense: 27
attack: 43
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
bloody edge7416bloody edgeweight: 5200
defense: 21
attack: 43
weaponType: sword
extradef: -3
mystic blade7384mystic bladeweight: 3500
defense: 25
attack: 44
weaponType: sword
extradef: 2
dragon slayer7402dragon slayerweight: 8200
defense: 28
attack: 44
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
mystic blade7746mystic bladeweight: 500
attack: 44
defense: 25
weaponType: sword
extradef: 2
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
giant sword2393giant sworddescription: This sword has been forged by ancient giants.
weight: 18000
defense: 22
attack: 46
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
demonrage sword7382demonrage swordweight: 15000
defense: 22
attack: 47
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
justice seeker7390justice seekerweight: 500
defense: 24
attack: 47
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
blacksteel sword7747blacksteel swordweight: 500
attack: 47
defense: 27
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
blacksteel sword7766blacksteel swordweight: 500
attack: 47
defense: 27
weaponType: sword
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
blacksteel sword7857blacksteel swordweight: 500
attack: 47
defense: 27
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
blacksteel sword7872blacksteel swordweight: 500
attack: 47
defense: 27
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
pharaoh sword2446pharaoh swordweight: 19000
defense: 30
attack: 48
weaponType: sword
extradef: 2
shenlong sword7405shenlong swordweight: 8000
defense: 31
attack: 48
weaponType: sword
extradef: -2
Super sword7420Super swordweight: 4200
defense: 25
attack: 49
weaponType: sword
extradef: -3

Ulepszenie do +1
• attack: +3
dragon slayer7748dragon slayerweight: 500
attack: 49
defense: 34
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
dragon slayer7767dragon slayerweight: 500
attack: 49
defense: 34
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
dragon slayer7858dragon slayerweight: 500
attack: 49
defense: 34
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
dragon slayer7873dragon slayerweight: 500
attack: 49
defense: 34
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
charges: 232
showduration: 1
breakChance: 1
avenger6528avengerweight: 6400
defense: 38
attack: 50
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
description: This holy blade was forged of shattered dreams.

Ulepszenie do +1
• attack: +3
warlord sword2408warlord sworddescription: Strong powers flow in this magic sword.
weight: 6400
defense: 38
attack: 51
weaponType: sword
extradef: 1

Ulepszenie do +2
• attack: +3
magic longsword2390magic longsworddescription: It is the magic Cyclopmania Sword.
weight: 4300
defense: 40
attack: 55
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
magic sword2400magic sworddescription: It is the sword of Valor.
weight: 4200
defense: 35
attack: 57
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
Rahem Sword7959Rahem Sworddescription: Sword.
weight: 4200
defense: 24
attack: 60
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3
haunted blade7407haunted bladeweight: 3100
defense: 32
attack: 64
weaponType: sword
slotType: two-handed
Relic Sword7391Relic Sworddescription: Relikt.
weight: 10000
defense: 38
attack: 77
weaponType: sword
extradef: 3

Ulepszenie do +4
• attack: +3
Legandar Squared Sword7417Legandar Squared Sworddescription: Miecz znany z legendy, przeciety podczas walki nadal ma swoja moc
weight: 5200
defense: 40
attack: 89
weaponType: sword
extradef: 6

Ulepszenie do +5
• attack: +5